Donation Steps

Donate in three easy steps!

  • *Step 1: Fill out transaction details & select preferred charity to recieve donation.
  • Step 2: Fill out a short notification form to complete your transaction. This notifies the charity of the donation you are making to ensure total transparency between FOHKC and our supported charities.
  • Step 3: All Done! Help? Contact Us.

Donate Now: Step 1

Donate to Friends of Hong Kong Charities Inc.

To make a contribution to Friends of Hong Kong Charities, please fill out the information below. In order to donate, you MUST designate one of FOHKC's partner charities below to recieve the funds.

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Donation Frequency : * Single Recurring
Recurring Frequency : *
Recurring Installments : *
Amount (HKD) *
Which Friends of Hong Kong Charity would you prefer your donation be allocated to?